Smart Outlet: Smart Electrical Outlet with Device Identification Using NFC

Journal: Journal of Autonomous Intelligence DOI: 10.32629/jai.v2i4.81

Sergio Henrique Monte Santo Andrade1, João M. S. Alves2, Johan S. L. Barbosa2, Rafaela R. Souza2

1. Estácio Desá University
2. Faculdade Estácio Nazaré


The residential electricity consumption tends to expand further and, consequently, stimulates the development of technological tools that allow to establish greater control of energy consumption. Embedded technology systems play an important role in the efficiency of a smart home by providing to users ways to optimize environment management. The implementation of technologies in the residential environment offer to residents a better quality of life and reduce expenses. Therefore, this paper proposes the development of smart electrical outlets able to identify the apparatus connected to them and make available to the user the detailed consumption of each device that was used through a database.


Intelligent Electrical Outlets; Energy Efficiency; Residential Energy Consumption; Smart Outlets; Smart Home; Smart Meter; Smart Grid


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Copyright © 2020 Sergio Henrique Monte Santo Andrade, João M. S. Alves, Johan S. L. Barbosa, Rafaela R. Souza

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