Innovation and Challenge of Catering Management in the Digital Age

Journal: Modern Economics & Management Forum DOI: 10.32629/memf.v4i4.1482

Xin Li

Liaoning Baifuyuan Industrial Co., Ltd., Shenyang 110000, Liaoning, China


In the digital age, food and beverage management is undergoing unprecedented changes. The paper explores the innovation opportunities and challenges in this area. As technology advances, the restaurant industry has begun to adopt various digital tools, such as online ordering systems, mobile payments and smart inventory management, to improve efficiency and optimize the customer experience. However, this transformation also brings a number of challenges, including data security, privacy protection issues, and employee adaptation and training needs to new technologies. Using specific industry examples, the article analyzes how to effectively use digital tools to promote business growth, while exploring how to address the resulting risks and challenges. The aim of this study is to provide insights to practitioners and managers in the catering industry to help them remain competitive in a rapidly evolving digital environment.


digitalization, catering management, innovation, challenge, technology integration


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