Media Ownership and Bias: Evidence by the Washington Post’s Reporting after Amazon’s Acquisition in 2013

Journal: Modern Economics & Management Forum DOI: 10.32629/memf.v1i3.198

Tongyi Jin1, Altynay Abilgaziyeva2, Tsz Ting Lam3

1. Department of Applied Social Sciences, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
2. Ernst & Young
3. RSM Hong Kong


This study examines the impact of ownership change on media coverage by investigating the impact of Jeff Bezos's (Amazon's owner) purchase of the Washington Post (WP) in October 2013. We collect all articles that have Amazon mentions published by WP and the New York Times (NYT) for 12 months before and 12 months after the acquisition. Then, we use the difference-in-differences method to compare changes in sentiment, length, and time of publication of the articles reported by WP compared to NYT. From the comparison, we show that Amazon's acquisition has posed a certain extent of influence on the publication time of the articles. Our findings highlight that ownership change limits the media's ability to fulfill its role as a watchdog without interference. 


media ownership, bias, acquisitions


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Copyright © 2020 Tongyi Jin, Altynay Abilgaziyeva, Tsz Ting Lam

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