Dimensional Modeling Method Discussion for the Profits from Mineral Rights Transfer Management

Journal: Modern Economics & Management Forum DOI: 10.32629/memf.v3i2.771

Jun Tang

Kunming Geofly Technology Co., LTD., Kunming 650041, Yunnan, China


In the informatization process of the profits from mineral rights transfer management, it is of great practical significance to establish a data warehouse with easy to understand, efficient query performance and strong scalability, so as to provide good decision support services for managers. As an important method of data warehouse modeling, dimensional modeling method has significant advantages over others in data understandability, scalability and data access performance compared with other data warehouse modeling methods. Combined with the business needs of mineral rights transfer income (mineral rights price) assessment and collection decision analysis, the key design ideas of dimensional modeling are expounded from the perspectives of dimension content change processing design, dimension role-playing, shared dimension design and audit dimension design. Taking the actual engineering project as an example, dimension modeling results can be queried easily in order to help domestic peers in the construction of DW/BI projects.


the profits from mineral rights transfer, data warehouse, dimensional modeling, dimension role-playing, shared dimension


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