Exploration on the cultivation of art quality and innovation ability in colleges and universities

Journal: Region - Educational Research and Reviews DOI: 10.32629/rerr.v5i4.1361


1.Jining Normal University 2. Philippine Christian University Center for International Education


Currently, the importance of art education in colleges and universities is becoming increasingly prominent. Therefore, it is very important to cultivate the art quality and innovation ability of college students in this situation. Through art education in colleges and universities, the thinking of college students can be divergent, allowing them to exhibit beauty without being bound by fixed forms. The current problems in the cultivation of art quality and innovation ability in universities mainly include a single teaching system and a lack of consideration for the aesthetic demands of modern people. Based on this, this article first explains the importance of cultivating students' artistic literacy and innovation ability, then describes the current situation of students' artistic literacy and innovation ability in art teaching in colleges and universities, and finally explores the cultivation strategies for art literacy and innovation ability in universities.


colleges and universities; artistic quality; innovation ability


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