Exploring the roles of self-care and self-awareness in the psychological well-being of college students

Journal: Region - Educational Research and Reviews DOI: 10.32629/rerr.v5i5.1439


Hainan Vocational University of Science and Technology


Currently, college students face a multitude of pressures, including academic demands, social relationships, and future employment prospects, which can potentially impact their psychological well-being. This study aims to explore the roles of self-care and self-awareness in the psychological well-being of college students. Through surveys and interviews, the research findings indicate that self-care and self-awareness can effectively alleviate the psychological stress experienced by college students, enhancing their adaptability and psychological resilience. The results suggest a positive correlation between high levels of self-care and self-awareness and better psychological well-being. This study underscores the importance of strengthening psychological health education in colleges to help students cultivate positive self-images, enhance self-care and self-awareness, and thereby maintaining their psychological well-being.


self-care; self-awareness; college students; psychological well-being; stress management


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