An analysis of the innovative reform of the evaluation system for physical education teaching in undergraduate colleges and universities

Journal: Region - Educational Research and Reviews DOI: 10.32629/rerr.v5i6.1544

Wentao ZHAO 

Sichuan Minzu College


The innovative reform of the undergraduate physical education teaching evaluation system aims to enhance the quality and effectiveness of physical education instruction, as well as to promote holistic student development. This text initially delves into the definition of evaluation systems and the significance of a physical education teaching evaluation system, emphasizing the essential role of evaluation in improving instructional quality. Subsequently, the problems and challenges currently faced by undergraduate institutions' physical education teaching evaluation system are analyzed. Then, a path and strategies for innovative reform are proposed. Among them, redefining evaluation indicators and standards, incorporating new evaluation techniques and tools, as well as establishing internal and external mechanisms to support evaluation reform all serve as pivotal innovative measures. Finally, the main points of this text are summarized with an emphasis on the importance of innovative reform in further advancing the development of the undergraduate physical education teaching evaluation system.


undergraduate colleges; physical education; evaluation system; innovative reforms


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Copyright © 2024 Wentao ZHAO 

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