Exploring some problems in piano teaching in preschool education

Journal: Region - Educational Research and Reviews DOI: 10.32629/rerr.v6i1.1642

Jiao LIU

Northwest Normal University


With the continuous development of society, higher requirements have been put forward for the quality of talents. As modern parents generally pay attention to their children's comprehensive quality and ability cultivation, they enable their children to fully develop in sports, art, music and other aspects from the preschool stage. In the face of the current changes and transformations in preschool education, students majoring in preschool education must master various artistic skills mentioned above in the daily learning process, so as to ensure that they can better adapt to the development needs of preschool education in the new era after graduation and be competent for modern preschool education work. However, in the process of piano teaching in preschool education, teachers often adopt the traditional mode, which makes students have poor learning enthusiasm and are not active in learning. In view of this situation, professional teachers need to change their teaching methods in time and constantly improve the piano playing ability of students majoring in preschool education. This paper is mainly based on the actual situation in the specific practice teaching process, and puts forward some relevant solutions for the listed and concretely analyzed problems. I hope that this study will be helpful to my peers.


preschool education major; music education; piano teaching


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