An exploration of integrating the dual collegiate system into the English public speaking activity for non-governmental college students—taking the dark horse speaker at Chongqing College of Mobile Communication as an example

Journal: Region - Educational Research and Reviews DOI: 10.32629/rerr.v6i1.1737

Qinfei YANG1, Maolin YANG1, Sai ZHAO2

1. College of Foreign Languages, Chongqing College of Mobile Communication
2. The Residential College Commune of Xingzhe Park, Chongqing College of Mobile Communication


The article is an exploration of the English public speaking activity, the dark horse speaker (DHS) held at Chongqing College of Mobile Communication (the College). The article provides readers with a general picture of the general operation of the activity integrating the dual collegiate system and the complementary roles of the college instructors and the residential college counselors in the DHS. At the end of the thesis, a reflection is given for the further improvement of the speech activity.


dark horse speaker; English public speaking; dual collegiate system; residential college


This article is a part of The Higher Education Teaching and Learning Reform Research Project (No. 22JG354, The Innovation and Practice for the Talent Cultivation of English Public Speaking


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Copyright © 2024 Qinfei YANG, Maolin YANG, Sai ZHAO

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