An analysis of the meaning of the existence of Duchamp's "Fountain" artwork

Journal: Region - Educational Research and Reviews DOI: 10.32629/rerr.v6i3.1835

Yujie LIU, Lin XU

College of Art, Zhejiang Normal University


The regulation and boundaries of works of art have always been an important issue in Western aesthetic research. Heidegger, through the regulation of the physical properties of ordinary things, pondered and cross-examined the stipulation of works of art [1]. "The existence of works" is a multi-faceted and complex theme, which is related to the materiality, meaning, and concept of the work, as well as its place in history and society. Marcel Duchamp's Fountain is a controversial masterpiece in the history of 20th-century art, and it also provides a new opportunity for the survival mode of artistic creation. This paper takes "Fountain" as the research object, and explores its material form, conceptual form, social form and its role on the audience.


existence of the work; Duchamp's Fountain; materiality; conceptuality


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